Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Palm Of His Hands

Good moning to all! I hope that you are having a wonderful morning filled with God's mercy and grace. I know that some of you are having some really tough emotional struggles right now and I want to let you know that my heart and prayers are with you. To Sharon, Psalms 55:22 Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the Godly to slip and fall. To me that says that because you have given this burden of Nohah to God, he's going to comfort your heart until the time he brings her back. And I believe he will because he says he won't let the Godly slip and fall.
I am also dealing with a person in my life who I mentored for a while. I truely love her so much and I keep praying for her return to what she knows is truth. She is in rebellion thinking the grass is greener on the other side. She is now living with a guy who is heavily involved in drugs, I've been told. She won't even answer my calls anymore. It breaks my heart to see her this way when I know that God wants so much more for her. I've seen so much growth in her but I also know from personal experience that God will let us run for a while in rebellion so that we will see what we had and we can run back with open arms ready to listen. That's so hard sometimes because it takes swallowing a lot of pride .
I was in rebellion for close to a year determined to hold lots of grudges so I didn't have feel the hurt. I didn't have to say I was wrong if I didn't have to talk about it. Then something amazing happened, my mentor called me up one day and I happened to answer. It was the sweetest voice I had heard in a long time. We talked and cried and God truely began to heal and restore a relationship that I had run so far from because of selfishness and pride. God is not only good, He's Great! What I'm trying to say is that I believe what happened in my past made me a bigger testimony for Christ. And I give all the glory to my heavenly father who holds my future in his hands.
I hope you find a little comfort in the fact that God is holding your loved ones and their future in the palm of his hands.


Sharon Brumfield said...

I did not get a chance to comment before.So I am back again.
Have you found anything cool out there in blogdom?
I gave Lauree you blog site so she could come and check you out. I don't know if she will know how to comment. We will see.
Got all my errands run and it had to be God. I only for got one thing. I'll have to take care of it later.
I am proud of you girl.
Keep pressing in. If we search for Him will all our hearts ----He will be found!
Don't play hide and seek with God---just the seek part.
here is a little symbol that you can leave with your comments on blogs if you want. ^i^--a little angel--glad it is not responsible for protecting me.
Karen left me a message that she had a vision about Noha. Can't wait for her to tell me the rest. I'll let you know.

Shelly said...

Yes I do find comfort in that fact. Thank you for sharing and encouraging me.

And as painful as it is, I'm sure glad He lets my sin give me a good beating once in a while as a reminder of who I am apart from Him. You're right - it gives us a holy hunger for His Name.