Friday, July 27, 2007

A Quick Hello

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't written in a few days, but I have had some stuff going on. Of course, I keep some little ones at my house everyday and my own 2 kids, too,which keeps me very busy. Wednesday I got a call from my doctor telling me that I have something called "beta strep" and I have to take some medication to keep the baby safe now and during birth, that's been a real scare. Then my husband got the news yesterday that he has something called edema,which they put him on medication for, and also something wrong with his liver. So now he has to go through some testing to find out what we can do for this issue. Then my mother-in-law came yesterday and is staying the weekend, so that she can attend the baby shower that some of my close friends are giving me tomorrow. I am so excited about my shower, it's going to be so fun. I can't talk long . It is very hard to do anything when my mother-in-law is here so I will have to make this very short. I know that you are all praying for my family and I thank you so very much and I will be praying for all of you! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Shelly said...


Thanks for the update, even if short (I'm with you...things are crazy for me right now too. I'm just trying to catch up on posts before I can even write another one of my own!).

I pray the Great Physician's hands over you both. And have a blast at the baby shower! AWE! Take photos! lol. We all want to see :)