Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thankful Thursday

I just want to say good morning to everyone out there in what everyone calls blogdom. Ha- Ha! I know that today is "Thankful Thursday"so here's what I am thankful for today:

* I am involved in a women's bible study with really great christian women who I love dearly.
* I am doing a study for the second time by Beth Moore called "Breaking Free" and learning so much even though I've done it before.
* I had a wonderful study this week on the fact that God replaces beauty for ashes ; it really brought up some stuff in my life that God really needed to deal with.
* I am so glad that God finds a way to speak to the intermost parts of me and uses people and things to help me to grow little by little into what he wants me to be.
* I am so glad that he sees me as beautiful even when I feel like I am the most unattractive person on earth. You know, you do feel that way when you are 7 and a half months pregnant. Ha!Ha!
* And I am so greatful that I am down to only 6 weeks and 5 days. You can laugh but I am counting the days.

I hope you are blessed today in ways that you know couldn't have come from anywhere but Heaven!
* I am thankful


Shelly said...

Oh I bet you are one adorable pregnant woman!!!!

Sharon Brumfield said...

Hey girl.
Stopping in to say Hi, and that I will see you when I get back. Be good and take it easy. I love you!
Talk to ya later.